Prophetic Words for Encouragement

March 25 2021

Jesus is all we need

What if Jesus is even way more real, sweeter, kinder, gentler, loving, giving, comforting, compassionate, stronger, wiser and more powerful than we can even comprehend?

What if everything in our lives is linked like cogs in a chain? What if we believed EVERY thing God declares in His word? What if we can feel and see HIM in our Spirit?

What if we can walk in every minute of every day 'knowing' the Almighty, His Son and His Spirit? What if we knew He has His army of angels looking after His loved ones and even those who don't know Him yet? What if there was meaning to every creative work God has made? What if we believed every world of ALL His promises?

What if all Jesus wants is your love and to love you back. So much so that He would die a horrific death on the cross so you could know Him? What if He could give us so much more than we could ever imagine but all He wants in return is your heart? Jeremiah 29:13 'You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart'.

What if He is so personal, He knows you even more than you know yourself?

What if when we get to heaven and look back and recognise places, people and those special times in our lives when we were on earth? What if those 'special' times in our lives - those feelings and intuitive times were part of a wider plan and purpose of God? Will we look back and say, 'hey that is why that happened' and see Gods hand in all of it? What if those people we saw that looked familiar somehow were angels sent to earth to help us?

What if we look back and see just how much the Lord was indeed there - we just weren't tuned in. What if we had total access to the tuning in but were too busy? We were just too proud, too ignorant, and too worldly to even seek Him and find Him. What if now - right now on this earth - through your spirit you could actually see Him smiling at you because He loves you so much? What if you could know His sense of humour and feel His joy?

What if you just had a feeling - a knowing that He was crying? All He wants is to love, give hope and life - but people are not interested, and it hurts Him.

What if you had access to the greatest Power on Earth but chose not to believe?

We are body, we are mind (soul) and we are spirit. Our body is just like a cup holding water. Our body is a form of transport for what really matters which is our soul and spirit.

Is our spirit confined within our layers of skin? Most likely not. You can sense what a person is like just by being near them and before they speak. What if the greatest power on earth was prayer? What if we had access to change the world, change people's lives and change our own lives but we couldn't be bothered and valued our time doing other things?

What if sitting and waiting on the Lord could give strength like nothing else?

Isaiah 40:31

Those who wait [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] upon theLord; they are the ones who shall renew their strength and power; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.