Prophetic Words for Encouragement

March 23 2023


Speak to the Mountain

Speak to the Sea

Speak in the Air

Declare to the wind

Use your voice - use your words to bring in to being that which I desire.


Your words have power - use MY WORDS to pull down the forces that steal, kill and destroy.

Counteract ANY form of negativity with my LIFE GIVING WORDS.

Your words have power - use with caution, the words that come out of your mouth can create or tear down. Be very careful not to misuse your voice.

Proverbs 18:21

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Proverbs 12:18

There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Matthew 12:36

I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak,

Proverbs 21:23

Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.

Proverbs 16:24

Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

Proverbs 13:3

Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

Matthew 12:37

For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Proverbs 4:20-22

20My child, pay attention to my words;
listen attentively to my sayings.
21Do not let them depart from your sight,
guard them within your heart;
22for they are life to those who find them
and healing to one’s entire body.
